Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

Dairy goat pilot trial in Norway

In the TechCare-project, mastitis, parasites, and agonistic behavior are pointed out as important factors influencing the welfare of dairy goats.

Gerardo Caja’s work at he 10th International Sheep Veterinary Congress

“New opportunities of using sensors in small ruminants” During the 10th International Sheep Veterinary Congress held in Seville on 6th – 10th March Gerardo Caja from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona presented his research: “New opportunities of using sensors in small ruminants”. Enjoy his presentation here.

Fuping International Dairy Goat Forum, presentation by Gerardo Caja

The Fuping International Dairy Goat Forum was held in China on the 6th January, 2023. The largest population of dairy goats in China is found in the Fuping County, which contains approximately 320,000 individuals. Almost all of Fuping’s dairy goats are Saanen goats. The opening ceremony of the first international milk goat industry Fuping Forum […]

Best poster at 73rd EAAP Annual Meeting

During the 73rd EAAP Annual Meeting held in Porto last September, the PLF Commission nominated the TechCare poster “Stakeholders’ perceptions of precision livestock farming to improve small ruminant welfare” as best poster!