Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management


TechCare representatives will attend conferences, industry days, national and international SR shows; during these events, the latest project developments, progresses and results will be presented to the audience.



  1. 74th EAAP Conference (Lyon, France, August 31 – September 1, 2023)
  2. Journées annuelles UMR SELMET (Lauret, France, 10th July 2023). Presentation by Kriszt T., Menassol J-B., INRAE: “Connecting animals and shepherds: Bringing LoRa connectivity to challenging terrains”.
  3. 76th Meeting SISVET (Scientific Society for Veterinary Science) (Bari, Italy, 21st – 23rd June 2023). Presentations by AGRIS, Abinsula, SRUC: “TECHCARE project: an Italian pilot study on dairy sheep to test innovative technologies for welfare monitoring” and “The use of DCC to identify intra mammary infections in Sarda dairy sheep”(AGRIS).
  4. The 20th Conference on Animal Production (AIDA) (Zaragoza, Spain, 13th – 14th June 2023). UAB contribution to the TechCare project (ES):
  5. French-Japanese exchanges on precision agriculture (Montpellier, France, 12th June 2023). Presentation by Kriszt T., Menassol J-B. titled: “Precision farming with small ruminants Works & Challenges in Integrating Animals and Sensors”.
  6. US Precision Livestock Farming 2023 (Knoxville – 21-24 May 2023). SRUC: “Resource use and proximity technology in extensive systems – getting useful information on livestock at lower costs?”.
  7. SRUC attended the EuroSheep final seminar in France on May 3, 2023.
  8. 10th International Sheep Veterinary Congress (Seville, Spain, 6th – 10th March 2023). Presentation by G. Caja (UAB): “New opportunities of using sensors in small ruminants”.
  9. Paris International Agricultural Show (3rd March 2023). Presentation by Jean-Louis Uranie (IDELE) and Thomas GOMEZ (Agdatahub) et al.: “Collecting farm data to improve the welfare of small ruminants: focus on TECHCARE”.
  10. Sm@rt workshop (Ruakura, New Zealand, 10th February 2023). Presentation by C. Morgan-Davies (SRUC): “TechCare project introduction”.
  11. The Fuping International Dairy Goat Forum (Fuping, China, 6th January 2023). Presentation by G. Caja (UAB): “Available sensor technologies for precision farming and welfare assessment in dairy goats”.


  1. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants conference (Paris, France, 7th December 2022). Abstract titled: “Use of the male effect as a replacement for eCG in the induction and synchronization of estrus and ovulation in the Merino d’Arles ewe” by Besche G., Tesniere A., Guyonneau J-D., Kriszt T., Menassol J-B., Debus N.
  2. Agriverso conference (Cagliari, Italy, 1st December 2022). General presentation by Francesco Martini (Abinsula).
  3. Idele attended the 10èmes Journées Techniques Ovines, held on 12th October 2022 in Gramat, France.
  4. SRUC – Elanco/RAMA visit to MRI, on October 5, 2022 at MRI, Penicuik, Scotland, UK.
  5. SRUC attended the Animal Welfare Conference in Edinburgh (Scotland) on October 4, 2022.
  6. 13th International conference on goats (ICG2022), virtual conference (19th – 22nd September 2022). Presentation by G. Caja (UAB): “Available sensor technologies for precision farming and welfare assessment in dairy goas”.
  7. Comité Technique du programme Sm@rt Elevage (France, 9th September 2022). Idele presented the TechCare project.
  8. 73rd EAAP Annual Meeting, Porto, Portugal (5th September 2022). Presentation by Evangelia Sossidou (ELGO-DIMITRA): “Stakeholders’ perceptions of precision livestock farming to improve small ruminant welfare”.
  9. 10th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming ECPLF 2022, SRUC presented “Calibration of a novel Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) monitoring device in a sheep grazing environment” on the 29th August– 2nd September 2022 in Vienna, Austria.
  10. 75th Annual Society of Range Management Meeting, hybrid conference (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 8th February 2022) Presentation (SRUC and MRI): “Development of LoRaWAN communication sensors for extensive livestock grazing in the Scottish mountains – opportunities for the science and practice of managing livestock and pastures in harsh environments”.
  11. VI International Workshop of Precision Environments, hybrid conference (Campinas, Brazil, 1st February 2022). Presentation by T. Waterhouse (SRUC): “Precision livestock data directly from the animal, and its environment, should be able to improve performance, welfare and economics of extensive livestock systems, but there a range of practical, affordability and ethical challenges to overcome”.


  1. International Sheep Veterinary Association 2021 (ISVA), virtual conference (25th November 2021). Invited talk, presentation by G. Caja (UAB): “Sensors for Sentient Small Ruminants” (English versionSpanish version).
  2. 44th Congress of the Argentine Animal Production Association (AAPA), virtual conference (19th November 2021). Presentation by C. Dwyer (SRUC) : “Future developments in animal welfare research”.
  3. 72nd EAAP Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland (30th August 2021). Presentation by Evangelia Sossidou (ELGO-DIMITRA): “A stakeholder co-design approach for integrating innovative technologies along the value chain to improve small ruminant welfare: The TechCare project”.
  4. 8th Congress of Welfare of Animals at Farm and Group Level, virtual conference (18th August 2021). Presentation by C. Dwyer (SRUC): “Behavioural freedoms vs painful procedures: Essential trade-offs in the welfare of extensively managed animals?”.
  5. Online meeting (04th May 2021). Presentation by C. Dwyer (SRUC): “Update on welfare activities since AWIN”.
  6. The challenge of change the new normal? BSAS 2021, virtual conference (12th – 15th April 2021). Presentation by C. Morgan-Davies (SRUC): “Precision sheep management in the uplands”.