Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

Popular Publications

In this section it will be possible to read TechCare articles in popular magazines.

"Las cooperativas y los cambios legales en la ganadería del siglo XXI"
Website article 24/09/2024

"Tecnología, genética y ovino de carne: un buen maridaje - XXVII Jornadas Técnicas sobre Ganadería Ovina del Siglo XXI"
Website article 20/09/2024

"Les compteurs à lait sont des outils de gestion des brebis et des rations"
Website article Reussir Pâtre (IDELE), 08/08/2024

"Chronique Ovine du Sud : Peut-on connecter un alpage ? L’essai du domaine du Merle"
Website article Maison Régionale de l’Elevage (INRAE), 16/05/24

"Berger 2.0 : l’élevage ovin se met au numérique"
Website article Reussir Pâtre (IDELE), 01/03/2024

"A Tale of Two Field Seasons"
British Association for Veterinary Parasitology Blog, by Michelle Reeves, 19/10/2023

"Ovins : les boucles RFID à ultrahaute fréquence à l’épreuve"
Online article in the magazine La France Agricole, following an interview during the Tech-Ovin show, 19/09/2023

"Puesta en marcha de los ensayos a gran escala del proyecto techcare en granjas de ovino de carne en Aragón"
Article from Tierras Ovino nº 42, August 2023

"Puesta en marcha de ensayos a gran escala del proyecto Techcare en granjas de ovino lechero en Castilla y León"
Tierras Ovino nº 41, at the 25th National Sheep Forum, 5 - 9 June 2023 in Vallaidolid, Spain. (UAB)

"Storsteigen-geiter forskes på: – De telte meg!"
Online article in the journal Alvdal midt i væla - June 2023

"Comment surveiller le bien-être dans les élevages d’ovins et de caprins à l’aide de technologies innovantes?"
Online article on the website of the French livestock and meat interprofession (INTERBEV) in the scientific watch section. 12 April 2023.

"TechCare – Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management"
Teagasc sheep Open day book, 18 June 2022.

"Εξατομικευμένη διάγνωση προβλημάτων υγείας σε αίγες στην Ελλάδα για την αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας "
Υπαιθρος - Χωρα , Issue n. 334, 24/03/2022

"La Cazotte, une exploitation labellisée Digiferme®"
Online article on the website dedicated to Animation and development of agricultural education territories, from the French Ministry of Agriculture. 1st March 2023.

"Priorización de sensores para detectar problemas de bienestar en pequeños rumiantes"
Tierras Ovino n. 37, January/February/March 2022, pp. 74-80 (UAB)

"El interés de los sensores para la mejora productiva y la detección de problemas de bienestar en pequeños rumiantes"
Tierras Ovino-Caprino Monografía Number 36 (January 2022), pp 6-15 (UAB)

"Tecnologie di precisione nell’allevamento ovicaprino: primi risultati del progetto TechCare"
RUMINANTIA, 18 January 2022. (AGRIS)

"Priorización de problemas de bienestar en pequeños rumiantes"
Tierras CAPRINO n. 35, October/November/December 2021, pp. 60-66. (UAB)

"Proyecto TechCare, integracion de tecnologias innovadoras para la gestion del bienestar de ovino y caprino a lo largo de su cadena de valor"
Tierras OVINO n. 35, October/November/December 2021, pp. 80-86. (UAB)

"Des certifications et de nouveaux projets pour le Ciirpo"
Online press article on Le Réveil Lozère website, 8th September 2021 (Idele).

"Getting crofters involved"
Stornoway Gazette, Scotland UK, p. 9, 3rd June 2021 (SRUC)

"9 măsuri pentru controlul paraziților"
Ferma Magazine year XXIII, 9 (280), pages 126-127, 31st May 2021 (BUAS)

"Working in partnership to improve sheep flock health"
The Press and Journal, 29th May 2021 (SRUC)

"5 sfaturi pentru înțărcarea iezilor"
Ferma Magazine year XXIII, 8 (279), pages 120-121, 14th May 2021 (BUAS)

"Precision technology research at Scotland’s Rural College"
Sustainable Southwest Beef CAP Online Newsletter (US department of agriculture), p. 6-8, May 2021 (SRUC)

"H2020 TechCare: Νέο διεθνές έργο με ελληνική συμμετοχή"
Dairy News, Issue n. 23, March-April 2021 (ELGO-DIMITRA, SRUC)

"Cum să ne creștem animalele în bunăstare?"
Ferma Magazine year XXIII, No. 4 (275), pages 106-107, 5th March 2021 (BUAS)

Online article on the website of the national reference center for animal welfare, 11th January 2021 (IDELE).

"Vers une amélioration du bien-être des petits ruminants"
Online press article on Le Point Vété magazine, 17th November 2020 (IDELE).