Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

Germain Tesnière

Germain Tesnière is an engineer in agronomy (L’Institut Agro Dijon) with a doctorate in management sciences (Mines ParisTech / INRAe). His background gives him dual expertise in biotechnical sciences and in human and social sciences on topics related to ruminant breeding. Recently, he participated in several European, national, and regional projects on the breeding of local breeds (cattle, sheep), and the development of their production systems in the mountain ranges. As part of the TechCare project, Germain is working in collaboration with Jean-Marc Gautier on the innovative actions to be implemented for trials in pilot farms and demonstrations in large-scale (WP5 leader). He also coordinates the various trials of the two French pilot farms (Le Mourier – CIIRPO; La Cazotte). He participates in the organization and animation of national workshops in France and other activities of IDELE in the TechCare project.