Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

TechCare in the news

List of past and upcoming events with TechCare partners attendance.

Event    Date     Location    Partner
Webinar n°15 of the agricultural education network in France (rubrique webinaires DEA – DAT) : « L’évaluation des nouvelles solutions numériques – Un nouveau champs d’expérimentation » 9 June 2023 Online IDELE and La Cazotte
74th EAAP Annual Meeting

Session n. 39: “TechCare and ClearFarm: pilots on PLF tools for monitoring animal welfare”

26 August – 1 September 2023 Lyon, France IDELE, INRAe, SRUC, MRI, NIBIO, UAB, PageUp, ARO, AGRIS, TEAGASC, ELGO, BUAS
Tech-Ovin national sheep show 6 – 7 September 2023 Bellac, France IDELE and CIIRPO
Opening of the new facilities for automated individual registration of roughage intake for sheep + seminar on Precision Livestock Farming 18 January 2024 Digifarm, NIBIO station Tjøtta (meat sheep) NIBIO
The French dairy sheep show 24 – 25 April 2024 Réquista, France CNBL, IDELE