Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

TechCare’s People: Ahmed Salama!

Hi! I am graduated as B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences (Cairo University, Egypt), and M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Animal Science (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain). I am currently a Senior Researcher and Assistant Professor at the UAB, and also a member of the Ruminant Research Group (G2R), recognized as a Consolidated Research Group by the Generalitat de Catalunya. I have been a visiting scholar at the U. Illinois and South Dakota State U. in the USA, U. Bern (Switzerland), King Saud U. (Saudi Arabia), Federal Rural U. of the Semi-arid Region (Brazil), INRAe (France), and Swedish U. Agricultural Sciences (Sweden). I have been involved in the Editorial Board of several indexed scientific journals (Small Rumin. Res., J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol., Spanish J. Agric. Res., KSU J. Agric. Nat., Animals, Letters Anim. Biol., Front. Vet. Sci.) My research focuses on the management effects on the performance of dairy ruminants; the impact of thermal stress on lactation, metabolism, and wellbeing of ruminants; applied omics for the evaluation of animal responses to different stimuli; and, the application of new technologies for monitoring animal activities and welfare. I took part in 11 research projects at the national, European, and the international levels. I published 49 refereed articles, presented in more than 50 scientific sessions in international conferences, and have given extension talks in several countries. I have been teaching several courses related to animal production and management at the under- and graduate levels in different universities in Spain, the USA, and Brazil. In the TechCare project, I participate in the national workshop, pilot trials and in the large-scale trials on dairy sheep farms.