Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

TechCare’s People: Antonio Solinas!

Hi! My name is Antonio Solinas and I am R&D Director at Abinsula. In 1999 I graduated in Electronic Engineering, with a thesis in collaboration with Volkswagen and the University of Braunschweig. After graduation, I was an officer in the Air Force Corps of Engineers, as head of the avionics section of the DTL Eurofighter 2000. I worked in several companies in the ICT sector, where I gained internationally recognized experience in designing electronic systems for the automotive, avionics, and home automation worlds. In addition, I have coordinated several European, national and regional projects. I had the pleasure to hold the role of lecturer in the courses Real-Time Systems for Multimedia Applications, Telecommunication Engineering and Cyber-Physical Systems at the University of Cagliari and I was a member of the technical committee of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control). Since 2013, I have been R&D Director at Abinsula and my main activities are to find and identify new areas of technology investment. My background includes founding companies in the sharing economy, Internet of Things, and precision agriculture (Greenshare, Lifely, and Agreetech. Within TechCare, I represent the program manager of Abinsula activities.