Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

TechCare’s People: Jean-Baptiste Menassol!

I’m an associate professor at SELMET. I hold a MSc in farm animal production in harsh environments (Montpellier SupAgro) and a PhD (Université de Tours, 2013) in neurobiology. My latest research interests lie in the prototyping and use of digital tools to monitor inter-individual proximities and study the structure of social networks in flocks. More particularly I’m interested in unravelling how the knowledge of complex social interactions within a group of animals can improve farming practices, farm animal welfare and farm animal health. In TechCare, I’m mainly involved in WP3 and 4 evaluating the potential of GNSS (outdoor) and proximity sensors technologies to address abnormal individual or social behaviour through indicators such as movement patterns, resource exploration, behavioural organization or social integration. The whole, for finally developing early warning systems linked to location, behaviour, health status, rotational grazing or the management of grazing areas.