Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management

TechCare’s People: María-José Milán!

Agrarian Engineer and PhD from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Currently, I am Associate Professor at the Department of Animal and Food Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain). My teaching career included different academic levels:  Bachelor, M.Sci. and PhD students in the field of agrarian socioeconomics. During the last years, I led the agrarian economics activities of the consolidated Group of Research in Ruminants (G2R), which currently chairs. My research focuses on agricultural economics, farming systems, rural development, and global environmental change. Specially, I work on socio-economic analysis of livestock farms, mainly ruminants. I am mainly interested on: 1) the assessment of the economic impact, through cost-benefit analysis, of changes in the livestock sector, 2) the study of the diversity and sustainability of livestock systems and the development of sustainability indicators, and 3) the analysis of the implications associated with changes in EU agricultural policy (CAP). I also have interest in the perceptions and attitudes of farmers to adopt farm-level innovations. All this research has generated extensive literature published in international journals and disseminated on national and international scientific and technical meetings and symposiums and, the applied knowledge, has been transferred to the agri-food sector and to the society. In TechCare, I collaborate in the collection and analysis of small ruminant market data from the consortium’s countries and in the development of TechCare’s business models.