– by G. Tesnière (IDELE

The 2023 edition of the Tech-Ovin national show was held under very high temperatures on September 6 and 7 in Bellac (France): the notion of summer heat stress took on its full meaning. For the 2 days of this national sheep breeding exhibition, IDELE set up a “connected village” stand composed of a technical documentation space on a wide diversity of technologies, and a demonstration space to exchange with stakeholders from meat and dairy sheep sectors. On this occasion Germain Tesnière, Estelle Nicolas, Jean-Marc Gautier (IDELE) and Claire Douine (CIIRPO – Le Mourier Pilot Farm) presented the TechCare project and made demonstrations of different technologies useful for sheep farmers, including those tested within TechCare (UHF tags, readers, and platform; connected water meters; cameras; GPS collars; weather station and indoor sensors etc.). This edition brought together more than 15,000 visitors from France and some neighbouring countries.