TechCare’s People: Sebastien Duroy!
Hi! My name is Sebastien Duroy and I am an engineer in agronomy (L’Institut Agro Rennes).
Integrating innovative TECHnologies along the value Chain to improve small ruminant welfARE management
Hi! My name is Sebastien Duroy and I am an engineer in agronomy (L’Institut Agro Rennes).
Hi! My name is Enrique Fantova, I am the technical director and I coordinate with Charo Bru, the activities in which the veterinarian team is involved: health, advisories, reproduction, nutrition, PAC.
Two technical days were organised by IDELE for students, breeders and technicians, at the “Le Mourier” pilot farm on 14th and 15th of September 2022.
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List of past and upcoming events with TechCare partners attendance.
“L’Institut de l’Elevage”, The Livestock Institute (IDELE), is a technical and applied research institute, bringing together more than 300 employees in the different regions of France.
Last month (July 6th and 7th) has been the first time, since the beginning of the TechCare project, that partners involved in pilot trials and large scales were able to meet physically.
Aimee Walker ( is in the 2nd year of her PhD, based at SRUC’s Hill and Mountain Research Centre near Crianlarich in Scotland.
Lisa Feldmann ( is an apprentice. She is studying in an engineering agriculture school at Toulouse (South of France).
Hello! I am Uranie Jean-Louis a data scientist at IDELE. I hold a Msc in Agricultural and Food Data management (UniLasalle).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 862050
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