TechCare – large scale farm visits in Spain
After TechCare held its annual meeting in Toro, Spain, on the 19th and 20th of February 2024, the Spanish partners (Gerardo Caja, UAB) and Leticia Riaguas (Oviaragón) organised visits to the Spanish large-scale study farms.
TechCare 3rd Annual Meeting
TechCare held its annual meeting in Toro, Spain, on the 19th and 20th of February 2024. Up to 50 people from the 19 consortium partners all met over the two days.
TechCare in the news
List of past and upcoming events with TechCare partners attendance.
TechCare Partner Team: BUAS
Universitatea de Științele Vieții “Regele Mihai I” din Timișoara (University of Life Sciences “King Mihai I” from Timișoara) is a state institution for higher education located in SW Romania, in Banat Region.
TechCare UHF reading platform presented by Page Up at the agricultural fair “Sommet de l’Elevage”
As a member of the TechCare consortium, Page Up company and its General Manager Jean-Claude Rousseaux, presented at the agricultural fair “Le Sommet de l’Elevage” in Clermont-Ferrand (France, 3-6 October 2023) the innovative UHF reading platform.
Technology demonstrations and presentation of TechCare during the national sheep breeding exhibition “Tech-Ovin”
The 2023 edition of the Tech-Ovin national show was held under very high temperatures on September 6 and 7 in Bellac (France): the notion of summer heat stress took on its full meaning.
Michelle Reeves award!
On October 19th, at Carpenter’s Hall in London, UK, Michelle Reeves was awarded one of 8 Innovation Awards from the Worshipful Company of Woolmen.
Preparatory activities for LS studies in Greece at dairy sheep & goat farm of Iraklis Zisiopoulos (Pieria, Greece)
Mr. Iraklis Zisiopoulos is a goat farmer located in the small village of Vria in Pieria, Greece.
An Italian pilot farm with dairy sheep to test innovative technologies for welfare monitoring
Bonassai, an experimental farm of the regional research agency of Sardinia AGRIS (Italy), is located on the North –West of Sardinia.
TechCare at the EAAP conference in Lyon – joint effort with ClearFarm
TechCare and ClearFarm held a joint session at the 74th EAAP annual conference in Lyon (France) in August 2023.